The Plight and Pride of the Christmas Baby

The combination presents. The pity. The never-ending “Jesus” jokes. If you know what I’m talking about, you, like me, must have been born on or near Christmas Day.

Unlike some “Christmas Babies,” I’ve generally enjoyed the “status” that comes with announcing a Dec. 25 birthday. But even with that huge perk, there are a lot of downsides to a Christmas birthday, from the material (fewer presents) to the logistical (can’t get your first driver’s license on your birthday) to ego-based (“Where’s the special day just for me?”) People tend to forget your birthday in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Heck, one Christmas I even forgot my own birthday until the afternoon.

This site was set up to allow people born on or around Christmas to commiserate, give advice and even just whine like spoiled brats. (Hey, it’s our right. We were born on Christmas, after all.) If you’re a parent of a child born on or around Dec. 25 or have a friend or family member with such a birthday, this site has tips on how to celebrate birthdays as well as other do’s and don’ts (Number 1: No birthday presents in Christmas wrapping!) to keep your Christmas baby feeling special throughout his or her life.

Also, I am collecting readers’ memories of being born on or near Christmas, and we need your help adding to our tips! Please, contact me, Devanie, at; by doing so you give me the right to add your comments to this site. Please include your first name and the year you were born, if you don’t mind. (I won’t include any other identifying information unless you want to, and your personal and contact info won’t be shared with anyone else.) Thanks and Happy Birthday! (Not Merry Birthday.)

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